
Well yay. My sister made it to NJ on her very first airplane ride safe and sound. Of course, she managed to forget her sneakers, and a jacket, but I can provide those for her on Saturday when I meet up with her. She acted like she really enjoyed the flight, and was excited that they got to fly over the ocean. I can't wait to see her Saturday. I give thanks that she had a safe flight.

Let’s see what else... Tomorrow I find if I passed the teacher certification exams. If I did it will be great, because I'll get a $3/hr pay hike at the center, and it also opens the door wide for me to get a music teaching position here in the public schools. The results are going to be posted online, and I was so hoping that the Board of Ed would put them up earlier than the specified date, but so far, no luck. I keep getting that same dull message... "Scores will be posted after 5pm on 6/13/03" so until sit on your thumb and rotate. Evil.

Why is it that the scores are being posted on Friday the 13th? The irony.

My saxophone is somewhere between here and Illinois.. and I miss it terribly. I fear that it will be shaken, dropped, and banged upon. You know, just like the chocolate milk commercials where the dog chews on the box, and the mailman kicks the package around, and then proceeds to drop it down a chute where the box misses the mail crate and lands on the floor in a THUD! Good thing I created a bubble wrap barrier between the case and the box. It must have 30 feet of bubbles protecting it. ::whimper::


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