Carpal Tunnel syndrome anyone? Actually, I'm not really sure that's what this dull ache in my left hand and wrist is caused by, but something is not right folks. And this isn't the first time it's happened, either. Whatever it is could have been caused by just about anything: too many hours typing, too many hours playing saxophone (or more recently guitar), carrying those groceries back from the store four blocks all in one hand, the video game playing. The possibilities are endless. Hopefully the pain is not.
I've been working with my students the last two weeks, teaching them about the upcoming Independence holiday. They now know that they live in New York, and that New York is in the United States of America. They understand that Independence Day is a birthday of sorts for the U.S.A. and that the colors of the flag are red, white, and blue. (At least most of them understand those points. There are still a few, when asked the question, "What are we celebrating on the fourth of July?", who answer "FIREWORKS!" Yeah, not quite kid, but you get an E for effort.)
Also, I
While cleaning the "kitchen area" the children and I discussed where each item belonged. As it does from time to time, my sarcasm got the better of me when I found cups and bowls in the closet. I asked "Do dishes go in the closet??" Blaze, bless his heart, answered "NO! They go in the dishwasher!" He had a point there, although I was looking for ".. in the cabinet" because we don't have a dishwasher in the classroom.
Finally, the scene that achieved the most giggles of the day: Opening up the play stove and finding the ice cube trays inside. These are teachable moments. "Well, this won't work, will it??" They understood very well that when we put plastic into hot stoves fire will ensue. I suppose that's all I can ask for at this age.